Will's Eulogy
I have really missed doing my daily updates on the blog. I was thinking about it just now when I decided to post an update.
Josh and I are doing ok. We have enjoyed our time together in Heber Springs, Arkansas, where we have taken a much needed break this week. It has been nice, but when we resume our life as we know it next week, it will be tough. All we can do is take it one day at at time, one hour at a time.
The hardest part about my grief for losing Will is when I forget that he is gone. I have caught myself doing this a couple of times, but I am sure it will pass. For example, when our power went out last week, the first thing I thought about was... oh no! Will's ventilator! But then, I remember, he isn't here. Maternal instinct is a very powerful thing. You can't just shut it off.
But, I am still amazed at the affect Will has had upon others. For this I am very thankful.
Anyway, I thought I would share the wonderful eulogy that our pastor, Dale Robble, did for Will's memorial service.
147 Days. It sounds so short. And it leads to the profound mystery of life…and to the most asked question in life…Why?
Over the years I've probably asked myself thousands of times “Why?” Why does God allows things like this to happen — and I still don't know the full answer.
The Bible speaks of "the mystery of iniquity"— In Second Thessalonians 2:7.
and that is what evil and death is: a mystery. But what I do know is this: No matter what happens to us, God still loves us and He still cares for us.
He knows your pain and heartache. He knows the grief we are going through.
Jesus' promise for you is: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4).
We may not always understand why things happen—but God does,
And we can turn to Him for the comfort we need.
Take comfort in the fact that Will is now whole.
His heart is full of love and happiness.
He has no more scars and tubes…
He has seen his last physician…
Because he had an appointment…
With the great physician.
And as we speak, Will is playing safely in heaven
Beyond the pain and sorrows
of this room and this world.
And take comfort also in the fact that some day you can see Will again in heaven.
In heaven there is "no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4).
Thank God for the hope we have in Christ!
In cases such as this, we have a choice to make.
All of us survivors have a choice.
A choice, to either view Little Will from the vantage point of entitlement,
and that is to say, “He was mine. I had a right to him. He was my child,
and therefore his death is tantamount to theft,” or to look on Will from the vantage point of grace and gift … That is that fact that: He was never really ours, really, -- not for a single moment longer than we could claim was our “right.”
We have a choice between which perspectives we would put around his 147 days with us
and as a part of your and our history.
My prayer is, our prayer is, that you chose to regard his life as a gift.
I chose to regard him as a little boy that I never deserved to know. As someone
whose very presence in my existence was utterly beyond anything I could have created.
That does not take the sadness out of it. It does not in any way diminish the grief,
but it keeps me from being angry and resentful at God … or at the doctors
and I would say to you that you, too, have the same choice –
You can either regard the people you have loved and lost…as your rightful possession and therefore their death as a kind of stealing of what rightfully belongs to you;
or … you can stop asking, “Why did he die?”
and step back and ask a greater question, “Why did he live?”
When you ask that question, you’re getting back to that mystery of grace that any of us exists for a single day and the kind of gratitude that you feel in the presence of something
that you know is a gift is something very different from what you feel when something that is rightfully yours has been stolen.
So “Why did Will live?”
You know, God could have just made sure he was never conceived.
But Will had a purpose. “Why did Will live?”
I don’t know both families real well. I don’t know everyone here. But I suspect Will lived so this family would come together, intertwined together in love as every family should be.
I think Will lived for so Josh and Stephanie would experience real love. Will lived so the Burns, Cox, Smith, Perdue families would come together.
I think he lived so we would all turn to God. I think Will lived to bring this large extended, blended family together.
And I pray he lived, so that that this becomes routine, and not just during a time such as this.
Will lived for all of you…Will, Little Man, mission accomplished. Well done!
It only took him 147 days to do amazing things in our lives. 147 days.
Imagine what you could do. Imagine what you could do in honor of Will n the next 365 days.
John 14:2-3 (NLT)
There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
Somehow, I think God made sure Will’s place was ready fast, because his heart was small…and so full of fight…and so tired…but it could only take so much.
Psalm 56:8,
"You, God, keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book."
The image there is that God is so moved by our tears, he collects and numbers every single one of them.
Eric Clapton wondered in his Grammy Award winning song that was just played about the loss of his six-year-old son, if there would be tears in heaven. And the answer is, yes.
Your tears are there. God is so aware of every single one of them. He's made note of them.
Just as a parent needs to know that his or her child is safe at school. Josh and Stephanie,
You long to know that Will is safe in death. We long for reassurance that the soul of a child goes immediately to be with God. But dare we believe it. Can we believe it?
According to the Bible we can.
Scripture is surprisingly quiet about this phase of our lives.
When speaking about the period between the death of the body, and the resurrection of the body, the Bible doesn't shout; it whispers. Kind of like you would lean over and whisper into Will’s little ear.
But in that whisper, a strong voice is heard.
This authoritative voice assures us that, at death, Will immediately entered
into the presence of God and enjoys conscious fellowship with the Father
and with those who have gone before.
Jesus said, "Bring the little children unto me."
And He said that for a reason.
Will is complete again
He will be missed. Our God is the God of all comfort and He can bind our broken hearts with His love. God loves you and sees your needs. Let Him meet those needs today
and every day.
Lean on Him today and every day until you meet Will again.
Josh and I are doing ok. We have enjoyed our time together in Heber Springs, Arkansas, where we have taken a much needed break this week. It has been nice, but when we resume our life as we know it next week, it will be tough. All we can do is take it one day at at time, one hour at a time.
The hardest part about my grief for losing Will is when I forget that he is gone. I have caught myself doing this a couple of times, but I am sure it will pass. For example, when our power went out last week, the first thing I thought about was... oh no! Will's ventilator! But then, I remember, he isn't here. Maternal instinct is a very powerful thing. You can't just shut it off.
But, I am still amazed at the affect Will has had upon others. For this I am very thankful.
Anyway, I thought I would share the wonderful eulogy that our pastor, Dale Robble, did for Will's memorial service.
147 Days. It sounds so short. And it leads to the profound mystery of life…and to the most asked question in life…Why?
Over the years I've probably asked myself thousands of times “Why?” Why does God allows things like this to happen — and I still don't know the full answer.
The Bible speaks of "the mystery of iniquity"— In Second Thessalonians 2:7.
and that is what evil and death is: a mystery. But what I do know is this: No matter what happens to us, God still loves us and He still cares for us.
He knows your pain and heartache. He knows the grief we are going through.
Jesus' promise for you is: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4).
We may not always understand why things happen—but God does,
And we can turn to Him for the comfort we need.
Take comfort in the fact that Will is now whole.
His heart is full of love and happiness.
He has no more scars and tubes…
He has seen his last physician…
Because he had an appointment…
With the great physician.
And as we speak, Will is playing safely in heaven
Beyond the pain and sorrows
of this room and this world.
And take comfort also in the fact that some day you can see Will again in heaven.
In heaven there is "no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4).
Thank God for the hope we have in Christ!
In cases such as this, we have a choice to make.
All of us survivors have a choice.
A choice, to either view Little Will from the vantage point of entitlement,
and that is to say, “He was mine. I had a right to him. He was my child,
and therefore his death is tantamount to theft,” or to look on Will from the vantage point of grace and gift … That is that fact that: He was never really ours, really, -- not for a single moment longer than we could claim was our “right.”
We have a choice between which perspectives we would put around his 147 days with us
and as a part of your and our history.
My prayer is, our prayer is, that you chose to regard his life as a gift.
I chose to regard him as a little boy that I never deserved to know. As someone
whose very presence in my existence was utterly beyond anything I could have created.
That does not take the sadness out of it. It does not in any way diminish the grief,
but it keeps me from being angry and resentful at God … or at the doctors
and I would say to you that you, too, have the same choice –
You can either regard the people you have loved and lost…as your rightful possession and therefore their death as a kind of stealing of what rightfully belongs to you;
or … you can stop asking, “Why did he die?”
and step back and ask a greater question, “Why did he live?”
When you ask that question, you’re getting back to that mystery of grace that any of us exists for a single day and the kind of gratitude that you feel in the presence of something
that you know is a gift is something very different from what you feel when something that is rightfully yours has been stolen.
So “Why did Will live?”
You know, God could have just made sure he was never conceived.
But Will had a purpose. “Why did Will live?”
I don’t know both families real well. I don’t know everyone here. But I suspect Will lived so this family would come together, intertwined together in love as every family should be.
I think Will lived for so Josh and Stephanie would experience real love. Will lived so the Burns, Cox, Smith, Perdue families would come together.
I think he lived so we would all turn to God. I think Will lived to bring this large extended, blended family together.
And I pray he lived, so that that this becomes routine, and not just during a time such as this.
Will lived for all of you…Will, Little Man, mission accomplished. Well done!
It only took him 147 days to do amazing things in our lives. 147 days.
Imagine what you could do. Imagine what you could do in honor of Will n the next 365 days.
John 14:2-3 (NLT)
There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
Somehow, I think God made sure Will’s place was ready fast, because his heart was small…and so full of fight…and so tired…but it could only take so much.
Psalm 56:8,
"You, God, keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book."
The image there is that God is so moved by our tears, he collects and numbers every single one of them.
Eric Clapton wondered in his Grammy Award winning song that was just played about the loss of his six-year-old son, if there would be tears in heaven. And the answer is, yes.
Your tears are there. God is so aware of every single one of them. He's made note of them.
Just as a parent needs to know that his or her child is safe at school. Josh and Stephanie,
You long to know that Will is safe in death. We long for reassurance that the soul of a child goes immediately to be with God. But dare we believe it. Can we believe it?
According to the Bible we can.
Scripture is surprisingly quiet about this phase of our lives.
When speaking about the period between the death of the body, and the resurrection of the body, the Bible doesn't shout; it whispers. Kind of like you would lean over and whisper into Will’s little ear.
But in that whisper, a strong voice is heard.
This authoritative voice assures us that, at death, Will immediately entered
into the presence of God and enjoys conscious fellowship with the Father
and with those who have gone before.
Jesus said, "Bring the little children unto me."
And He said that for a reason.
Will is complete again
He will be missed. Our God is the God of all comfort and He can bind our broken hearts with His love. God loves you and sees your needs. Let Him meet those needs today
and every day.
Lean on Him today and every day until you meet Will again.
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
We have never met; I am the mother of another HLHS boy (almost 11mos.). I would just like to say thank you for sharing the beautiful eulogy for Will. It is inspirational. I have printed it out so I am able to refer to it often. He and you have done and are doing amazing things for others. You will remain in my prayers. Many blessings and much strength to you.
Francesca Kaiser
At 5:21 PM,
MomMom said…
Stephanie, I've missed your daily blogs and I'm so thankful you're able to express yourself this way which is so helpful, I'm sure. Thanks for posting Will's eulogy. What a wonderful tribute to a little boy who "fought the good fight" and has now gone to be with his Heavenly Father. Words are totally inadequate at this time but just know that you're all in our prayers. In Christian love, The Zeilers-Pensacola,FL
Friends of Scott and Sally
At 6:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Josh and Stephanie,
You have been in our constant thoughts. We have checked daily, hoping to hear from you. Your strong maternal instinct is a blessing as it reminds you of the powerful love you shared with an amazing little one. It should also encourage you of the days and years to come and the nurturing your heart has even yet to begin.
As the Footprints poem sites:
"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
Please know that our Heavenly Father not only carries you each moment of every day but also provides strong families and friends to be the earthly messengers of His presence as well.
We are only a moment away and would love to see you. What a blessing to be a part of such an amazing family- with each one of us truly brought together for God's greater purpose and as pieces of a plan far beyond our comprehension. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Hunter & Sarah
At 7:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Like you, I find myself thinking of Will...then I stop and say a prayer for you and Josh. I got home today from our trip and still found myself coming to his blog...not sure what I was looking for, just to see his face again...habits are hard to break. We all loved him so much.
Still praying for you both daily.
Love, Aunt Sally
At 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Beautiful and memorable. God Bless you both!
At 9:11 PM,
Nana Nancy said…
Dear Stephanie & Josh,
Just as you have missed updating all of us on the blog; I am sure there are so many - like me; who checked for your updates, several times a day. I miss "hearing" your updates on our dear Baby Will - and knowing precisely what I needed to pray for.
You both are in the thoughts and prayers of so many; I can sense your strength from the prayers of so many in both of your voices.
Thanks for sharing the words of the eulogy from Dale. I can't tell you how comforting his words were in addition to the words and sentiments of your associate pastor and his wife. These people actually opened their own "wounds" of loosing an infant child; only to comfort all of us; attending Will's funeral.
One thing that he said to me, at the gravesite -won't ever leave. He said; don't ever minimize the short time Will was on this earth. The pain of his loss is just as great for you and Josh; as if he had lived for many years.Please update us with his name - I don't have the program close by.
I remain so proud of you and Josh. As hard it may be to pack up and go home to Nashville; I am confident God will fill both of you with strength and Grace; to do what you NEED to do; just as you said.......one hour, one day at a time.
Love you both,
At 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Stephanie and Josh
I am happy to hear from you. Yes, it is one day at a time.
You and Josh are in my daily prayers and how wonderful we have our God to comfort us.
Thank you for letting me share in baby Will's life through the blog site.
You have been an inspiration to me.
Look forward to seeing you two at HPC
At 3:07 PM,
Jay said…
Like so many, I have continued to check the blog regularly. Old habits I guess. Or looking for some kind of closure.
I read your post yesterday, but was so moved I couldn't find the words -- still can not find the words, perhaps there are no words that can make that aching void go away for you. Time heals all wounds, even one this great. There may always be a scar, but the hurt will subside.
I just want you and Josh to know that we think of you daily, and think of Will daily. And pray for you daily as well.
Someday soon we want to come up to Nashville for a short visit. Maybe the next three-day weekend or as soon as school is out for the summer. Perhaps we can all go to the Grand Ole Opry and be silly for a while.
Love and hugs from Memphis,
Uncle Jay
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so amazed at the strenth you both showed during this amazingly sad occasion. I don't think I am made to face what you two have been through. God Bless you both and We all know Will is pain free and happy. My heart aches for you.
I love you both, Nana Morris
At 10:10 PM,
Mama Barn said…
You enjoy each other, I'm sure you are both exhausted.
If you want to call me, please do.
At 8:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Josh and Stephanie,
I too, checked your blog, hoping to hear a word from you and see how you are doing. I'm shedding tears of sadness and also tears of hope as I read this update. Yes, Will was a precious gift from God with an important mission to touch your lives and our lives as well. We will never forget him and his struggle and his ultimate victory. You will always be close to our hearts.
Arlene Pearson
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sometimes I am at a loss to put into words what I wish I could convey to you. But then I realize there are no words that can give you what I wish I had the power to give. I know it will take time for life to return to normal, although it will never be the same.
Will has changed our lives forever. But we will come to accept the world as it is now. I've turned, driving in "auto-pilot" toward the hospital, baby clothes caught my eye at the store, in half-sleep, half-awake, dreams about Will fade away from me and I have tried to go back to sleep to "finish it". I know that will diminish in time. But as I water your flowers and the sweet William I planted in honor of our sweet Will, as I look at pictures of him, the ever-growing stack of cards from friends, loved ones, and caring strangers from all over, re-read the blog, this eulogy, big O'Joe's prayer, Uncle Jay's words, I know our memory of Will is never going to fade. Our time with Will was so incredibly precious. That will never change. He will live in our hearts forever.
I have watched in awe as God has blessed you both with incredible strength, deepening spirituality, and growing faith. That did not end with Will's death. As you said, we find God in our brokeness.
I love you both more than words can say.
At 5:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Stephanie and Josh,
We are so sorry for your immeasurable loss. Please know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Rusty and Debbie and Amanda
At 8:05 PM,
Rhea said…
Thank you for sharing that! That eulogy was the most uplifting I've ever heard! God bless you all!
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