William Blake Burns

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Proud Aunt Annie holding Will

I thought I would share these pictures of my sister, Leigh-Ann, holding Will. We actually took these with her cell phone. Not so bad for a camera phone, huh? I meant to upload these sooner, but I haven't gotten around to it. This was the only time she was able to hold him, and we had forgotten our cameras! Thank goodness for cell phones!

Josh and I are doing as well as expected I guess. We still have these moments when we look at each other, and our eyes start to well up with tears. Some days, I can talk about Will and talk about him, and it puts me in such a good mood. But other times, I can hardly say his name without having a complete meltdown. That's when it seems like my tears never stop... it's like a water faucet, and I can't seem to shut it off.

We spent most of the weekend in Knoxville with my sister and her boyfriend, Brandon. I felt kinda bad that in the 2 years she has been there, I hadn't made a trip up to visit her. But, we've been just a little busy.

Josh did pretty well with his first week back at work. I have been keeping myself busy. I even had a job interview with WebMD last Thursday for a marketing position... it seems right up my alley! I hope to hear from them early this week. I'll let you know what happens!


  • At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it will take time to heal. We will never be "over" losing Will, but we will learn to live in the world he left behind. I cannot fathom the pain for those who believe this world is all there is, and can't know the comfort we have knowing we will see, hold, and rejoice with Will again, in a perfect place with nothing separating us from each other anymore.

    I am so proud of you both. You have faced fears, pain, and loss that few can imagine and you continued to look to God for comfort and the strength to perservere. Your faith will be rewarded. God never fails.

    I love you.


  • At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great photos of Leigh-Ann and Will! Thanks for putting one of them on my Screen Saver for our computer at the lake. It makes my time on the computer even more fun.
    I know that you and Josh are still in the recovery process as we all are. I do well until certain songs play on the radio or I think about the funeral service or other events that reminds me of our loss.

    Time heals all wounds so we must continue on and remember the good times we had with Will and the great times that will come in the future. I am very excited about the WebMD job possibility. Sounds like a great opportunity to use your talents in communication and journalism as well as your new found abilities in medicine.

    Love you guys,

    Daddy Larry

  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Mama Barn said…

    I do the same as you Steph. But Russ is completely closed off to anything with Eliya. he hates talking about her, he hates going to church and he hates me on the computer connecting with other heart families. Please pray for him. Call anytime to talk. I want to take Russ away for a break, I want to take him to Columbia, Kentucky. Don't ask why. I don't know, just seemed like a nice little town with some Amish farms for sale.

    Love ya,
    Angela Hayward

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Stephanie, I just want you to know that we think of you guys often and pray for you daily. Best of luck on the WebMD job! You would be a fantastic asset to them.

    Love always,
    Uncle Jay

  • At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Stephanie,
    Wow! You seemingly have lived a lifetime since I last saw you. When my Dad died, I experienced the grief very similarly to what you describe. The pain will lessen over time. When I experienced miscarriage I described it as feeling like walking through a wall of fire, and I had never met my baby! I think of y'all often and you are on our prayer list at my S.S. class at CUMC in Memphis. Love, Debbie

  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just a reminder that it is a WALK, not a run, through the valley of the shadow of death. Some days it seems nothing more than a crawl.

    Stay strong - God is with you each step of the way.

  • At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Just wanted to stop by and see how you all are doing. We think of you all the time. I also wanted to let you Know that Eliya has a care page now I though you might want to go to it, it is Eliyaspage. Take care and God Bless

    The Strauser's
    CP: KellenStrauser

  • At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Stephanie and Josh,

    We've still been thinking of you guys. When I think about the events of the last couple of months, I sometimes well up with tears and Jeremiah is still with us. I can't imagine how it must be for you and Josh.... We will continue to keep you in our prayers for strength, comfort, and even joy as you start each day and as you look to the future. Keep in touch.

    Arlene Pearson

  • At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aww I just happened to check the website because I wasnt sure if you still updated it or not and I see the pictures of me and Will. What a happy moment that was to hold him! I'm happy that you and Josh got an opportunity to come hang out for awhile in Knoxvegas. It was a lot of fun. My feet are still soft from the Mary Kay pedicure!
    I love you very much! And time heals everything. talk to you soon.

  • At 3:23 AM, Blogger Mama Barn said…

    Hey I;m leaving MamaBarn and just focusing on the carepage. You were the only one that knew about Mamabarn anyway. If you want to get a hold of me, e-mail, or use the carepage...Eliyaspage.


    Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
    I'm putting a metal flower with Will's name on it along with some other heart babies and placing them with Eliya.



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