William Blake Burns

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sweet Baby Will

As I tried to take Will's picture this afternoon, his attention quickly shifted to his nurse when she walked up to his bed. He learned a long time ago to watch them closely... you never know that they might do!
But, in all seriousness, we have been so blessed to have such wonderful nurses! I don't know what we would do without them.


  • At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Will should be in mid flight by now and we are praying for God to have His eye on Will while Will keeps an eye on the nurses.

    Hope and prayers for a very successful time At U of M.

    God Bless each of you.

    Love Big O Joe, Aunt Becky, Adam & Andrea

  • At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I suppose you will read this after you arrive in Michigan. I hope everyone had a great trip from Nashville to Ann Arbor. Rusty says that Will looks just like Josh. I "saw Stephanie" in some of the photos. Looking forward to your updates. Always praying! Love, Debbie

  • At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just hope and pray that they don't "josh" little Will around too much on the flight to MI today and get him upset !!!

    GGDaddy Perdue

  • At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    some awfully sweet and heart-felt prayers went up for Will last night from our 6 and 9 year old's respective bedtime prayers. May the Lord bless you and keep every one of you!

    (we need to see if NWA offers companion frequent flyer miles w/ LifeFlight.. Will may have earned himself a free ticket to 'anywhere in the continental US' before its all said and done!)

  • At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was so glad we got to see Will, even briefly before he left this morning- particularly since finding out one of his lifeflight crewmembers went to church with us many many years ago in Memphis. Maybe just coincidence, but it felt like God sending a reminder to me that Will would be flying in His hands.

    Judging by all the Vandy staff that were there to see you off this morning with hugs,heartfelt best wishes, and offers of prayers, you have all three touched many hearts during your stay.

    I'm glad to hear you landed ok and know you will all be busy getting settled in for a while before you will have a chance to update any further. You are in the forefront of my thoughts and prayers!! Love you three!!!!!!

  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Praying across the miles that you will feel and see God's presence with you and with Will during his stay at the UofM.

    With you in spirit.

    Uncle Jay

  • At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stephanie and Josh -
    It's good to hear Will got his bedspace and his flight to Michigan!! I will be checking for updates and will try to run upstairs and see you three when I come back to work (yes, even nurses get time off every once in a while!!!) Will was very lucky to be blessed with such great parents! Hope your flight went well.
    Nurse Sarah in Michigan

  • At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are so happy you all had a safe flight and Will is back in Ann Arbor. You are so blessed with your little guy! He sure is a tough man! He will continue to stay strong through his near journey and beyond. We are praying for you guys and will see you very soon! Love, the Lowrie's

  • At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Still praying for your sweet boy.


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