Thursday, March 2nd
Will is not doing very well. He needs your prayers.
Well, we just had a sit down with an attending cardiologist and a cardiac surgical fellow. Here's what's going on:
1. Will's chest is full of fluid that hasn't been able to drain. I'm not too clear on what's going on with this fluid, but from what I understand his blood is having problems clotting the way it should and the fluid is starting to collect in pockets within his chest cavity. It is starting to create scar tissue in his chest wall. This has caused Will to have some problems with his lungs because they cannot ventilate properly.
2. Will is still having problems maintaining his blood pressure. He is now on a high dose of dopamine. If things keep going this way, he will be back on epinephrine.
3. All of this fluid has created problems with his incision trying to heal. As I mentioned before, fluid is constantly leaking from the top part of his incision, which is near his trach. In fact, the incision opened back up last night. The surgical fellow had to put a couple more stitches to close it back up. Now it appears that an intervention of some sort is needed to close his skin completely. We have 3 options (all of which have their risks and benefits):
a) Insert a sponge and a vaccum device: this is normally used for superficial wounds, and there are no studies on how this would do in a chest cavity in which the sternum is open. It is risky because it cause injury to the heart with it being so close to the incision... it could rupture a vessel. This can also take several weeks for it to work. It can also be highly beneficial if it works. It could help get rid of all of this extra fluid in Will's chest.
b) Cover the wound with a plastic sheild: this is what they normally do when a baby's chest is left open after surgery. This would essentially put us in a "stall mode," and it really has no benefit as far as we can see. The only risk is infection.
c) Have a skin graft taken from another part of Will's body: this procedure would involve plastic surgeons. Finding skin & tissue on Will's body will be very difficult, given that he has been hospitalized for almost 5 months and several parts of his body are swollen with stiff skin and tissues. This is also no small undertaking. Will would have to go to the OR for a lengthy procedure. And since the graft is so close to the trach site, it could create problems with his skin and tissue being able to support his trach. It looks like at this point, this will be Will's best option. The plastics team has already done a consult and taken pictures of Will. We should hear back from the attending soon.
Since Will is getting sick again, this has prompted a discussion with Will's doctors on whether or not Josh & I want "heroic measures" taken in the event he goes into cardiac arrest. This is something no parent should have to decide. At this point, we have decided that we do not want them to perform CPR or shock his heart. They will give him medicines and give him more support through his ventilator if needed. We may change our minds, but for now we feel that Will has been through enough. With all of his other problems, CPR would most likely add more insult to injury. We pray that we will never have to do this. We pray that whatever God wills to be done, will be done.
Well, we just had a sit down with an attending cardiologist and a cardiac surgical fellow. Here's what's going on:
1. Will's chest is full of fluid that hasn't been able to drain. I'm not too clear on what's going on with this fluid, but from what I understand his blood is having problems clotting the way it should and the fluid is starting to collect in pockets within his chest cavity. It is starting to create scar tissue in his chest wall. This has caused Will to have some problems with his lungs because they cannot ventilate properly.
2. Will is still having problems maintaining his blood pressure. He is now on a high dose of dopamine. If things keep going this way, he will be back on epinephrine.
3. All of this fluid has created problems with his incision trying to heal. As I mentioned before, fluid is constantly leaking from the top part of his incision, which is near his trach. In fact, the incision opened back up last night. The surgical fellow had to put a couple more stitches to close it back up. Now it appears that an intervention of some sort is needed to close his skin completely. We have 3 options (all of which have their risks and benefits):
a) Insert a sponge and a vaccum device: this is normally used for superficial wounds, and there are no studies on how this would do in a chest cavity in which the sternum is open. It is risky because it cause injury to the heart with it being so close to the incision... it could rupture a vessel. This can also take several weeks for it to work. It can also be highly beneficial if it works. It could help get rid of all of this extra fluid in Will's chest.
b) Cover the wound with a plastic sheild: this is what they normally do when a baby's chest is left open after surgery. This would essentially put us in a "stall mode," and it really has no benefit as far as we can see. The only risk is infection.
c) Have a skin graft taken from another part of Will's body: this procedure would involve plastic surgeons. Finding skin & tissue on Will's body will be very difficult, given that he has been hospitalized for almost 5 months and several parts of his body are swollen with stiff skin and tissues. This is also no small undertaking. Will would have to go to the OR for a lengthy procedure. And since the graft is so close to the trach site, it could create problems with his skin and tissue being able to support his trach. It looks like at this point, this will be Will's best option. The plastics team has already done a consult and taken pictures of Will. We should hear back from the attending soon.
Since Will is getting sick again, this has prompted a discussion with Will's doctors on whether or not Josh & I want "heroic measures" taken in the event he goes into cardiac arrest. This is something no parent should have to decide. At this point, we have decided that we do not want them to perform CPR or shock his heart. They will give him medicines and give him more support through his ventilator if needed. We may change our minds, but for now we feel that Will has been through enough. With all of his other problems, CPR would most likely add more insult to injury. We pray that we will never have to do this. We pray that whatever God wills to be done, will be done.
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, sweeties, I am praying that very same thing. I wish I could put my arms around you both. Whatever your decision was, is now, or will be later, I know it is always one made with prayer. God is with you as you make them.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you whereever you go." Joshua 1:9
I love you,
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
We're praying for you! May God bless all of you now and always!
At 3:44 PM,
Jay said…
Our thoughts are with you. Our hearts are with you. Our love is with you. But most of all, our God is with you.
Praying for God's Will.
Uncle Jay
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope that God will give all three of strength now and may God heal little Will.
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are praying for God to give you an extra measure of his strength right now.
Our hearts are with you at Will's side.
Grandma Perdue
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
May the Lord uphold you as you face these trying times and difficult decisions. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers.
In Christ,
Trent Williamson (friend of Jay & Lisa Jo)
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Our God who watches over us never sleeps. You are never alone. It is a rough journey for your family, but he has been with you every step of the way and will be with you always, even until the end of time. I know you know this because that is how you have remained so strong. I pray your knowing this also brings you peace.
At 5:16 PM,
Terri and Fam said…
Praying that God will heal Will's body here on Earth and give the doctor's wisdom on how to care for him.
Praying for strength for you both.
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know you three are in my prayers. I love you all so! I am praying for you to feel God's warm presence all around you. He is right there with each of you.
Aunt Sally
At 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh God! We humbly leave this precious Will's most serious physical condition in your Almighty Hands. If you think it best to bring him to be with the host of Your Angels, at this time, then please give all of us comfort and strength, knowing that we all did everything we all could humanly do to keep Will here on earth with us; and, we thank you, Oh God, for each precious moment that You let us have with Will. They have all been so wonderful and unforgetable.
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stephanie, Josh & Will,
Our love & prayers are with all three of you.
Much love,
Janet, Mike, Lauren & Shannon
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
We pray that God orchestrate his will for his most precious Will in such a way that you, his parents, and his doctors will all have a clear understanding that it IS his will and not man's that makes the ultimate decision. If it is his will for this baby to be with you longer, a DNR can NOT stop that from happening. It is not a lack of faith as some would think. It is the ultimate faith that God holds us in the palm of his hand, even when we let go. Especially when we let go. We are earnestly praying for you all.
At 6:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have all been in my thoughts throughout the day having read yesterday's post. My heart aches for you upon seeing today's news. I will continue praying for Will's healing, and strength and peace for your entire family. I hope knowing so many of us are out here watching and praying helps.
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stephanie, Josh and Will, You have proven to be among the strongest people I know , I am praying and willing Will to fight and for you to remain stong in the face of this crisis. I love you so much, it breaks my heart to see you going through this trama. Any decision you make will be the right one. Let your hearts be your guide. Love to you all . Nana Morris
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