William Blake Burns

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wednesday, January 18th

Look at those chubby cheeks!! He is up to 8 pounds, 7 ounces!

Will rediscovered his hand the other day and began sucking his thumb.

I don't know who is enjoying this more... "Grandmommy" Nancy or Will?

What a busy couple of days it has been! There is so much to do! I still can't believe he is coming home! He is doing really well. He got moved into a bigger room with it's own bathroom the other day... it's really nice.

We will begin our 72 hour "rooming in" period with Will first thing Friday morning. It is basically set up to mimic what it would be like at home. We will eat, sleep, and shower in his room like we would at home.

Many of you have asked me over the past few months if there is anything you can do to help us. Well, if any of you in the Nashville area would be willing to bring us a meal this weekend, or even the first week or so after Will comes home, we would really appreciate it. Just post a comment and let us know when you would like to do so. And just so you know, we already have Saturday lunch covered.

It looks like Tuesday will be our discharge day! I can hardly wait!!


  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    That is WONDERFUL news! The answer to so many prayers. You all are in our hearts. I hope to see you soon.

    Uncle Jay

  • At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck with your "lock-in". Lori and I already know that you can take care of him, we learned that in Ann Arbor! Does this mean that Josh will be wearing his fuzzy slippers and around the house pants? Oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything about the slippers!

    Have a great weekend with little Will. We're so excited to hear that he'll be home next week! The three of you have made it through one of life's most difficult challenges and you've come out with flying colors! Wow, Will's going home next week! We are just so darn happy for you.

    Tell Will that his buddy Wyatt is on his way home as I type. Also tell Will that the second surgery is a breeze and the recovery time really is very short. I'll see with my own eyes in a couple of hours, but apparently these little troopers look and feel better than we ever thought possible after their second surgery.

    Go Will go! You rock little buddy!

    Love, The Lowrie's

  • At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    God bless you Josh and Stephanie as you care for that beautiful son. Wish I could be there to cook for you.
    Love, Grandma Parrie


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